
Thursday, July 4, 2013

God Given

Unlocking a door once shut, one finds new doors bolted down. I tear off my mental metal mask, only to find others hidden beneath. Who? What, when where and why we call? But to whom are we crying? Is it not the LORD? If not, those door we beat so hard upon, will remain shut forever. Jesus has the keys to all my doors and though He could forcible open all my doors, He waits patiently. Kindly He waits to get into each and every closet I have hidden away. Switching the light on in a darkened closet reveals old messes that where never cleaned up. Roaches scurry, mice run and hide and there sits the mess. It's everything I cut the corners on. It's all the projects I start and never finish.  It is a place devoid of grace or anything good. It is a place where hatred meets pride. It is a place where I remember just how undone I am.

Humbly I come with Christ by my side. Here I'm at a lose for words. Jesus just waits and listens. Even there in the dirty dusty closet of regret, Christ turns the light I on. Hidden things are revealed. Dirty things are cleansed.

If only we would realize that our Father knows that fools oft' return to their folly. O the majesty of a God willing to love the unlovable! What joy we have as Christ has removed out decay! What love but Gods' goes this deep?

I rummage around pick over what is useful and trash the rest. Unwholesome thoughts and attitudes have to go. Hidden anger had ingrown mold on it, I forgot it was there, out with it! I find a few treasured memories there too, it is those good true and righteous things worthy to clinging on to. The thoughts and memories flow by the thousands and are sifted through to see those worth saving. Over and over again I seek an outlet for the memories worth keeping. In song, words or direct witness my soul expresses who God made me to be. I find words to express these thoughts here, there or every once in a while. All of a sudden these expressions allude my grip. It is as if I were trying to grasp the wind in my hand. It is as if I reached out to grab the proverbial greased pig. Ah! Pig indeed. I'm but mere swine in my eyes. I am unworthy of the very breath I breathe—not that any of us are worthy of breath or life. No, I am not high in my eyes at all. In picking up the pen or keys once again, I know that it is time to express and express well the grace that is given to me.

I am but a lowly man, yet I breath with God-given lungs the air gifted to humanity. I am but a man, yet I can grasp eternity forward forever, for God has fixed this in my soul. I am but a man and yet God trusts me with the knowledge of Himself. God is and we are. Is anything more wondrous? Yes there is one thing more wondrous than even this. It is that God seeks a relationship with His creation.

So let all Creation Give Glory!


  1. Wow, Gordon that's good and deep!!! Very thought provoking...Love you my wonderful son!!!!

  2. Thank you MOM! You are so sweet!Hurry and get back home, I miss you.
