
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Time Keeps Slipping Away

Have you ever had a day just slip away? My day just did that. I woke up twice and I didn't nap. I'll explain what I mean, I hope. The day was weird and bizarre; it had a Rip Van Winkle feel to it. Yes of course Mr Winkle had 20 years of sleep and my sleep didn't come even close in time comparison. Still, this unexpected sleep caused a little stir, or so I'm told. Mind you, had I been in bed, I could have just snored and roared on and no one would be any the wiser; being what happened, I would have died too. But I wasn't in Mr Rips' Catskills and I obviously didn't die. Nope, I didn't die and I was in church fast asleep! (Though dying in church does seem like the perfect place for a Christian to die.)

Asleep in church? I know sleeping in church isn't that abnormal. I've been guilty of it too, thankfully, it was years ago. Usually when one falls asleep—forgive me pastors—it is usually during the sermon. Growing up in church, I have seen this time and time again. It not the lobby! For whatever reason, today I fell asleep five minutes after walking in the church (my wife says it was longer, to me it's time lost within; it's time stuck in the space between my ears.) I'm not talking dozing either. I was out! I must have been comatose. I have the wounds to prove it too! How they came to be? I'm not sure.

I always get there early to help with sound. But, I had today off of the soundboard, so I was seeking extra fellowship. I remember only walking through the church door. Soon (how long I don't know) I was fast asleep. I don't remember anything. 

How can we just fall asleep SO FAST! It amazes me how God made the human body and how science can manipulate it. It takes me usually take me thirty minutes just to relax so I can go to sleep. Today, you'd think I had narcolepsy. 

By the way, what happens to us in sleep anyway? How do we remember nothing of our surroundings? How does our senses go dead or do they? I don't know? It seems our senses turn inward as dreams take place. Reason is put on hold and we try and figure out the days events. Today wasn't like that, yeah, I had my normal vivid sleep, BEFORE CHURCH. 

This was different. This sleep was just a poor sequel and the whole screen was blank!

The only thing I know for sure is that I drove to church and woke up in a hospital. Coming out of the fog, I awoke sensing something was different. Hospital?!!? I was in the hospital and plugged to all the usually creatures of the ER. Hoses and wires going this way and that, all pinning me down. I was hungry, pinned down and needing to pee! Most of all, I was confused. I just wanted to go home. 

A little more observation was needed before I could depart. The doctor stated. Fortunately, I did soon go home.

In the end the doctor thinks I just overdosed! What! Why! What's up? Well first off, if I did, it was not intentional. In an arsenal to fight off the debilitating effects of a cursed world, only one thing up my sleeve is powerful enough to cause such a thing as sleep. It's Zolpidem. Right after my first back surgery, normal sleep became a thing of the past and this gives me semi-regular sleep. Some will complain right there,“What is a Christian doing taking that!”  As you think of that, think of this: "it rains on the just and unjust." Life happens in all ways and in all forms, to all people. Meaning all people, including Christians suffer from the fallout of sin: the curse on Creation.

I think I grabbed one thing and though it was another. (I was in a hurry to be early. Figure that one out!) In size and color, Ambien (Zolpidem) looks much like the Prednisone I'm taking temporarily for allergies. That is my plausible solution to my sleeping debacle. And of course, again, this was unintended. If it had been intentionally. I would have taken the whole bottle. But who could think of such things! We all do from time to time. Yep, even Jesus was tempted--by Satan-- to cast Himself down on the rocks below. YET, Jesus didn't listen to this evil voice! And we don't have to either, not ever. For we have hope!

We have this treasure of life in earthen vessels crying out for the eternal God. Our God is our hope! Our hope lays solid on the one who is solid: Jesus. Jesus is hope fulfilled. Jesus fills us to the brim with life that wait earnestly and patiently for our time to be complete. Now, I wait in expectant faith knowing Jesus will complete His work in me and bring me home one day. It just wasn't today.


  1. This was absolutely awesome...Thank God you were okay...I love your blogs

  2. Wow! Welcome to my world bro.
    When I first started taking Seroquel, I was a complete zombie.
    You should have seen the looks I got from my parents when I tried to communicate.
    My speech was slurred, slow, and I would just stop, the words just would not come out. They were in my brain but my mouth just could not work.
    Sleep is such an interesting subject, so much can be said of it, much I learnt from my late father.
    I do know, that the sub-concious never shuts down, if I remember right that's where the dreaming comes from.
    My dad used to be a Deacon at my church when I was a kid, all three of them would sit up on the platform.
    Anyway, I remember seeing him completely nod off for a few seconds and sometimes, for a couple of minutes.
    I could hear many chuckling at him. Except those around me, because I would give such a glare at them.
    This was around the time his Major Depressive Disorder manifested itself.
    Anyway, I really enjoyed the write.
    God bless.

  3. Very good blog posting. As the wife of a man suffering from work related injuries, I'm very compassionate toward your struggle. I see my husband go through the same day in and day out. I know that he is definitely born again and full of The Lord. Nay sayers will always be one unless true repentance comes to their heart! I'm glad your sleep episode turned out to be nothing more than a pill taken at the wrong time and place. You could probably make a good blog about it from a spiritual point of view. The pill being the devils and the church a place we sleep the most Just teasing. Be encouraged for you & your family are right where you are supposed to be and this didn't catch God by surprise nor did it make Him angry with you. He has this way of working all things for our good. You may have been Jesus to someone in that waiting room perhaps or maybe your wife was a living testament of The lord. You probably won't know this side of heaven, but you do know that you are in His hand and the devil himself can't pluck you out of it!


    I'm hid with Christ!


  4. Thank you Shawn and Scott! Our God is so good and definitely not finished with me yet. To God be the glory forever!
