
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wait Up!

I have not had much usable computer access lately. Until the last few days, I was sharing my sons' laptop. Now things have changed. God let me have my own!

Perhaps I'll get comfortable with it shortly, work out a few kinks and get back to the business of giving God glory!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Faith Words

I've been too lazy and busily preoccupied lately. Perhaps I am too lazy? Preoccupied? Doing what? None of your business! That’s what. I'll just tell you much of it is shopping and returns. This is stupid. I'll just say what I'm thinking. This is my blog. This is my place to vent my feelings on just about whatever I’m thinking or not thinking.

The motivation to write lately is tough. It is too nice out there! The great dawn of summer waiting outside. What? Write, right now? To start with, I don't know what I'm saying most the time. I'm making this up as I go. Not the verses and such, no, I don't make those up. It's just all of the filler I use, rather the Holy Spirit in me uses to hand out nuggets of biblical truth. I don't plan most things well in life. I live for the thrill of spontaneity, especially in writing. For me, most of life just happens and I love its surprises.

Jobs and such just happened mostly came as a result of a need within extended family circles of friends. School after high school, I didn't I knew I didn't want more school. After twenty schools growing up, that was the last thing I wanted. Work and marriage were on my agenda. A family came with this life and eventually I slowed down on the work side of life. Family never ends its seems. It just changes.

Two days from now, I’ll be celebrating 29 years of marriage. It is and was always hard, fun, and most always filled with some dramatic people, of which I am only one. No, it’s not that I don’t have a plan; I have a master plan. I plan to trust the Master. It is a simple plan, yet never simple.

This is simple plan of trust is never simple because it is one of faith. It is a faith, with evidence not seen or measurable, that hopes in the invisible God of Creation. This faith is not in ghost, ghouls or fairy tales. No I have faith in the One true God who established and created all. I have faith in Jesus!

Having hope in the One who started this ball of earth a moving, gives me surety of faith in that which is solid, filled with history and a future already known—save some details. Nevertheless, I still believe in faith that Jesus is on His way to some come as the King of Kings. His plan is not delayed. His plan is not thwarted. His plan is not late. For His mercies sake, we are not destroyed, though we oft’ deserve it. No, we are not destroyed and the sun comes up tomorrow, just as it did today. His mercies are truly new every morning.

Knowing that Jesus is real takes faith; however, it is not just faith without cause. No we have whole countries told futures told, as in relationship to Israel. Israel, who in and of itself,  a reason and reminder for faith.

So are you lacking faith?
Is your faith weak?

Pssst! Here is a little secret.

…Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17 NKJV

This simple verse holds great truth. Unpack it, get it out and use it. Pull up to the table, do a one sentence study of Gods’ Word.

“Faith comes by hearing.”

How does faith come? “By hearing.”

Can we hear just anything to get faith?  No, faith comes only to those who hear something specific. What does the hearer have to hear? They have to hear to word of God.

Does this mean we only hear as someone speaks the Word of God? Yes. What if no one is around to speak? How do we hear the Word of God? Simple, we read the Word and the Holy Spirit will speak to you, the Words of God.

This is builds you up in the faith. Read the Word of God, to hear the Words of God. Hearing the Word of God allows you to hear the Words of God you need to grow faith.
Perhaps this seems to stoop below your level.

“This is too easy. You mean all I’ve got to do is read Gods’ Word and allow Him to speak to me through His Words?” you think.

Yep, it’s that easy!

Yeah, I’m lazy I like to take the simple effective path and just believe and see God move in His own time. How could it be so easy? Listen to the words of Jesus.

Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

“So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

“Therefore do not worry, saying,‘ What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear? For after all these things the Gentiles seek For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matt 6:24-34

Sunday, May 19, 2013

God Rules!

I've had trouble writing lately. Yet, trouble is what drives me to write in the first place. This same trouble is what drives me to my God. I’m not sure why life is designed this way. It just is. 

Trouble drives some to Jesus and some to Hell. Here is a strange thing. Saints are so similar to heathens, world-lings, sinners or whatever else they are labeled, yet one major difference exists: Jesus. I’m sure this isn't “nice” safe language for our times. Who wants to tell a friend, coworker or family member that they are a sinner? Probably no one wants to say this!

Yes, we might want to tell them that Jesus loves them and has a plan for their life (which is true). Then we get around to why they need Jesus, our sin. Nobody wants to think of sin. Because if we admit certain things are wrong, i.e., breaking a Sovereign Gods' rules, then we have to admit a Sovereign God rules. God Rules!

  Side Note:

         When I was about 20, I had a T shirt that said just that. “God Rules!”  It was from a Christian punk band and I wore it with pride! Not pride in the band that put out the T shirt. I don't even remember what their name was. The band that produced that shirt is long gone. This pride was not in or of me. No, that pride was in our God! Because I knew and know He really does rule.
       I had such boldness when I wore that T shirt. I felt invincible. With that invincibility of the Holy Spirit—His baptism—I went out into the night as a witness for Christ!
        Our city, way back then had a Friday and Saturday night “Cruise.” Hundreds of teenagers and young adults lined up on our main drag, just to hang out. It was perfect opportunity to tell people of Jesus love for them. And I had the privilege of doing just that.
       Do not give up an opportunity to share Christ, you'll never regret it and possibly never get that opportunity again. The city, Marysville CA. USA, soon outlawed that cruising and shut it down. And, it was right for the city to take such action, that cruise wasn't good; it brought problems of all kinds. You can just imagine.
       Now that opportunity is gone. My shirt finally died, still God Rules!—

I'll try and get this train back on its tracks. My point being, that if Jesus did not me redeem me, I would be going to hell to. And, if there were no God, I would see no point in staying around just to suffer (not all the time, just too much to stand and for far too long). I would say bye to this world. Maybe that seems extreme? Yeah, I'm kind of the extreme type. ( I really look forward to a new body.)

On the other hand, if I were too cowardly to end life, I would take enough of whatever was available  to relieve the pain. Sorry to say (more like ashamed to say) even believing in God and loving Jesus, I did just that. I took enough of whatever the doctor gave me and more, to numb myself. I wanted to feel as little as possible. 

A decade later, that numb Gordon had to resume a life. A life that dripped with pain. Sure not as much as some and more than others; it was just too much for me.

There were great costs in trying to run away from that nagging everyday pain—that I'm feeling even now. Running away cost me teaching in a youth ministry. It drove my son into a rebellion from God Himself (he has since come home, to Jesus. But the world took its toll.) Running away from this pain drove bitter roots into my marriage. Yet, by the grace of God, I still have a wife; a wife with whom there is no measure. She fits that Proverbs 31 wife more so than any I know. Still though, she’s not perfect; she has me as a husband. This is not even to mention the effects on all of this on my mind and memory.

Those cost and many more have plagued my life. I felt like Jonah running from God. I felt like a man with a twisted arm, with God being the one that twisted my arm; all the while God just waited for me to say “uncle.” I’ve heard a pastor say this, “ Don't you know that Gods' His hand is both on the time and temperature of YOUR storm or trial.” I think Pastor Bob was right!

I really believe this is true. Just read the book of Job or Jonah (That might take a while!) Meanwhile, God is always there in YOUR storm. It’s true. Do you remember in the book of Daniel—chapter 3—the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace?

Who was there with them? Who was the “fourth” in the fire when only three were thrown in? Who did the king think it was? Hint? He thought it was the son of God. Nebuchadnezzar didn't know it was Jesus the Son of God. He just knew someone looking like God was in there. I know it was Jesus. Jesus hangs out in the storm. He’s there comforting it’s victims of a fallen, broken world that is cursed and He is with me in my storm.

If you still might have a hard time believing this concept of God being in and ready to control your troubles. Look no further than Jesus. Look at how and who calmed the wind and waves. It wasn't some hidden event Jesus claimed with no witnesses. No! Jesus did this miracle right in front the disciples’ eyes.

Think of this non-fiction, true story below (Read ahead if you don’t know it. Out of Mark 4) Who told them—the disciples—to get in the boat? Then, who allowed Satan—the prince and power of the air—to whip up the wind and waves? More importantly who calmed those waves? Who stopped that wind from howling? It was Jesus. How did Jesus stop these forces of wind and wave? Jesus did it with a hand full of words. Remember, He is the one who spoke and the world formed!

Imagine speaking to the wind. Do you think it will listen and obey? Sure we spout off from time to time just beating air. Yep! If we speak to the air and ask it to stop moving, we are wasting our breath. Jesus just spoke and it ceased. The wind and wave turned to calm.

One miracle after another flooded the disciples’ eyes. They were overwhelmed, just as we would be. We would be in awe! "Who is this...?" Who can do these things but God? And, then you have Peters’ little water story also. It too is another time the disciples freaked and feared for life (Matt 14:22-36). Still, Jesus in both instances calmed the storm and the disciples fear. ( I BET IT MADE THE  miracles of the Exodus come alive.)

You know, I don't feel so troubled now. Grace walked into my life and peace settled on my soul. Yeah I hurt, I still blow it. Just, I have Jesus by my side and He reminds me He forgives and comforts. And, He is!

Read these verses and think about them.

On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” Now when they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat as He was. And other little boats were also with Him. And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!”

Mark 4:35-41 NKJV

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hellish Slumber

Do you ever wrestle, just to see?

Do you ever put blinders on, you know, to keep the peace?

Do you ever hold your tongue to keep Pandoras' lid held tight?

Do you ever just see what you want to see?

 Did not Jesus ask the blind-man what he wanted?

"I want to see!" he replied.

What did Jesus do next?

Do you want to see?

Do you want open eyes?

Or, would you just like to sit this one out?

Do you really want to know the toil of untold numbers of souls?

Do you really think this life is just a game?

Do you really understand Hell is just as real as Heaven?

One night I dreamt a dream. The dream was in living color. It was surreal, oh too real. In a flash of a moment, I AWOKE in flames! Not the flames of any Earthly fire either. This was Hell. I was being burned alive.

I just wouldn't die!

In the midst of flames all around, I had just one phrase. "JESUS, SAVE ME!"I screamed.

He did.

Out of my hellish slumber, I woke up sweating profusely. I was breathing as if I had ran for my life. It was just a dream, sure...? Perhaps just a taste? Perhaps is was a prompt? No! No! It had to be words brought to life by some imaginary sense. Surely, that was it?

Nope! This was just a dream. It was an opiate dream from pain medications.*

Was it?

God only knows. Yes Jesus knows. He's the one that spoke on Hell enough to let us know it is a real as the stars.

Do you believe Him? 

*(Though this dream is from nearly a decade ago, I remember it as if it just happened.) 
I took the photos, no rights reserved.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Lift Up

Lift up our eyes
God is over that hill

Lift up our hands
God is over this place

Lift up your praise
Praise God, until we can see His face

Won’t you sing out some praise?
Won’t you sing out some praise?
Won’t you sing out some praise to the LORD?

I can hear the music in my head. You’ll just have to imagine. If you can imagine anything, imagine the good things that God has given you!

As I say this, my dog. My favorite dog! Well he is getting in my face to tell me something. He’s telling me, “Stop what you are doing. Walk with me!” This is by telepathy, of course!

Our prayer becomes inhabited our praise!
(I have not had time to post more of 1 John. I could post (un edited) it then you could see my ignorance—who wants to show that? Won’t you sing out some praise?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Delectable Dialogues From A Dented Soul

Delectable dialogues from a dented soul… are we destined?
Distancing ourselves drowns dashed dreams.
Do we disconnect when we need it most?

Discover the depths of your soul and you’ll find your dents too.
Dare we continue with the D’s?
I’d get a D on this one for sure!

Grades, thank God, will be left on this Earth.
For now we are in the midst of a struggle beyond measure.
But we like the measure.

We want to measure everything and everyone.
We want to find where we measure up, yes up!
Who am I better than? (Who or whom I don't know: help!)
Who am I smarter than?
And get this one, whom am I more righteous than?

Do we really think we are more righteous than another?
Do we even remember the Law?
Most of what we do today would be our death sentence.

You heard me right, though I’m not going to recite the Law.
My dented soul would suffer some more, all the rules I broke, broke me!
Why do that when Christ suffered just for me?

Questions and quirks still run through my mind.
They are deep and laborious while shallow and hollow.
Would I dare go and trample sacred ground?
Will I?

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.”

Roman 8:1-2 NIV

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Daily Dust Or Dust Devils

I am my biggest problem.
I am sinner turned to saint, who still feels like he ain't.
Well…sometimes and that’s too much!
O yes, on wings of eagles I fly!
Then on valleys lows, I crawl.

With roars and growls I fight myself with all my might.
It is to no avail; that dead man still raises his ugly head everyday.
Yep, that dead one rises up in the wink of an eye.
I know he’s been there when I see his carnage; I see what he can do.
Who me?

Would sin dare prevail!
NOT in the life of a saint.

You may think, to yourself, “Can this be true?”
Can a sinner turn into a saint?
Can a saint turn and sin?
Do saints really sin?
Yeah they do and on a daily basis.

Hypocrite! Hypocrite! Hypocrite!
I call myself this everyday.
Ah! ah…
Screams turn sad, then I come up fighting, I’M  MAD!
I rise up in prayer to kill out the mayhem and madness of sin.

I commit to kill on bent knee, I hate that man that is me.
In tearful prayers I cried out, “Hosanna! Save me! Help me!”
And in sweet forgiveness, Jesus is faithful and reminds me.
“It is finished!” Jesus spoke these words once for all.

Sin met its’ match and died once for all.
Jesus kindly faced that dead man in me for me.

Perhaps you don’t know this? Of course you do. I'll say it anyway.

Our physical flesh stinks. No matter how we dress it up or clean it up, it will stink again and again. This comes to no surprise. We take showers everyday, or that is for the most part. We do our duty to the necessities of cleanliness. Yet, even with that we still end up stinking again. We all end up with morning breath, body odor and the stench of those other foul waste products I won't mention.

Hmm? Do you think God was trying to tell us something, even with these little things in our physical bodies? (This is not my original idea--Bob Coy mentioned it in a sermon. I thought it was so true!)

If all those nasty things are true about our physical side of life, imagine how bad they are in our spiritual side of life. Our foul activities, though accidental or even on purpose, still need daily washed by the blood of Jesus. One pastor once said Jesus washing ones feet, while being acts of service, is also an analogy of Jesus washing away our daily dust (sin). Our daily outburst of flesh, our working contact with messed up world, our strained relationships that just seem to hurt, are all in need of being washed away by Jesus today.

Use the soap--1 John 1:9 look it up, if you don't know, you should! (Memorize please!)

Will you let Jesus wash your feet today?

If you won’t, then you have no part of Him. 
I’m speaking to you Gordon! 
And I speaking to you who ever you are, if you'll listen.

"Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God;  so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.  After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”
 Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
 “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”
“Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”
Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.”  For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.

When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them."
John 13:3-12 NIV

image via google image seach: dust   nasa stock