
Sunday, April 28, 2013

1 John Introduction

I found a group bible study I taught on 1 John. Rather than a fully deep study, it is a study for high school. Read over it. They are oldddd! But they make sense.

Here is an introduction into the book. 

Turn in your bible to 1st John. Today we live in a world much the same as when this book was written. It was written anywhere from 65 to 100 AD. No one really knows, but in any case it is at a time when most of the first generation of believers that had actually seen Jesus had died off. This second and third generation group of Christians had never seen the one in whom they choose to believe. You and I are in the same boat. We have never seen Jesus. We have never heard him speak or laugh or cry. We didn’t get to eat with him as he performed miracles meeting the needs of the people around him.
 So what you and have left to go on is the testimony of others. 1st John is one such testimony. The church was beginning to have false teachers come in just as today. Some of these teachers were starting to teach a false gospel that said Jesus didn’t come on the flesh.
 This heresy was Gnosticism. Gnosticism was a philosophy that sought a higher knowledge. It was a higher knowledge that you could not get from just normal means of reading your bible of studying. A higher enlightenment it sounds like today’s false teacher that say God will offend your mind to get to your heart.
 They also believed that matter was evil: therefore Jesus could not have been flesh and bone.
 John confronted these false teachings. However there are explicit reasons John wrote the book and he told us why.
1. Chapter 1:4
4 We are writing these things so that our joy will be complete.

2.Chapter 2:1
1 My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin

3.Chapter 2:26

26 I have written these things to you because you need to be aware of those who want to lead you astray.

4.Chapter 5:13

13 I write this to you who believe in the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.

These things were written for our benefit so we won’t doubt but believe. John is talking to us about that which is real. Sometimes we wonder is this all real? Are we living a dream or a fantasy? Because God is not seen some think that he is not a reality. But the truth is reality begins with him. So that is where John began. Read verse 1.

1 The one who existed from the beginning is the one we have heard and seen. We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is Jesus Christ, the Word of life.
 In the beginning God period. This is total completeness.  Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 start in similar fashion. Let’s read them.
Gen. 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
John 1:1 In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and he was God.

Before anything else was God was. He is eternal; he is the prime mover of all things. He caused the beginning of all things. God is real. God is the great I AM!
 Knowing that he exist is really not enough. We need relationship. He didn’t create this place and just leave. No God so loved the world that he sent his son. John is speaking of his own relationship with God in the flesh, Jesus.
 Think of this guys John and the other disciples talked with God directly! They ate, drank, slept, and did every other imaginable task is direct contact with the God of all creation.
Can you get this? Do you realize how momentous this was. They were at the one time in history that God would become a man.
 They had seen God. They had touched God. Now because John had been an eyewitness he was going to tell about it.
 -This we proclaim concerning the word of life.-
Read 2

2 This one who is life from God was shown to us, and we have seen him. And now we testify and announce to you that he is the one who is eternal life. He was with the Father, and then he was shown to us.

Here in verse two John says the same type of thing he said in verse one. Life appeared, it was made visible, it was manifest to us in Jesus Christ. What does John mean? We saw eternal life in Jesus. In him we could see what Adam and Eve lost in the garden the special intimate relationship with God himself. This was the lost secret of humanity. This was they way man was intended to live: in total dependence on the Father. Looking at the Earthly life of Jesus you can see this. One such example is Jesus statement in John 14:10.
Read John 14:10

10 Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I say are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me.

Jesus stayed in constant fellowship and communion with the Father. Our life depends on that same type of relationship. That is why following Jesus’ example it is a good idea to give the first part of your day to put your life in line with what he wants you to do for that day. Read Mark 1:35

35 The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray.

Jesus did this to get ready for the day ahead. It won’t hurt you or me to do the same.

Verse 3 Read.

3 We are telling you about what we ourselves have actually seen and heard, so that you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.

What is fellowship? On Navy guy said it was two fellows on the same ship. That may be partially true because yes there is first relationship. Having things in common. We all have things in common we all are in this life together. Here were all Americans, were all living in this community and other many such things. But the fellowship we talking about here is a unique one. This is something special that comes in this New Life we have in Christ Jesus. He brought us into the new relationship with the Father.
 This fellowship is multi-leveled. First our relationship with God. First accepting what the Father has provided for us in the cross of Jesus Christ. But then we don’t just stay there. We get to know Him. We find out what pleases Him. Some I fear never even take the second step.
 The second part of this fellowship is our relationship to other believers. We are to be in relationship to each other. This means doing things together, working together, caring for one another. We walk together in the common bond of Jesus Christ and the Father.
 Why is John so concerned with our fellowship, our relationship? Because of what it says in verse 4.
4 We are writing these things so that our joy will be complete.

John wrote these things our joy would be complete:
Your joy, my joy, his joy. Complete full to the brim.
Joy is our sense of contentment in Christ knowing that all things are in His control and that he loves us. It isn’t necessarily happiness. This has to do with what is happening moment by moment.  Joy is far beyond that but can include happiness. The bible says the joy of the Lord is my strength.
Got to go.
 Let’s pray.

Monday, April 22, 2013

I Thought I Was Strong

Help I say, help!
Help those in need Lord, for You are good.
Help for You are an ever present help in our time of need.

Father over Creation, in love You give us mercy, new mercy every day.
Were it not for Your mercy, the sun would fail.
Were it not for Your mercy, the stars would fall.
All Creation would fold, were it not for Your mercy.

When I thought I was strong, I didn't take heed.
I didn't kiss and embrace Your Word of truth.
I though I was strong,
I though I was wise; but, I was the fool.
I fell and my sins rushed over me as a tidal wave.
Their number was as the sand of the sea.

My predicament was mine.
My, oh my; I’m here again?
Am I wandering ‘round the desert again?
Did I not know what would happen?
Did I not know that those who think they stand should take heed?
Didn't I know that? Yeah, I did.

I ran every stop sign You gave.
I sped though every warning.
You even tried to wave me down.
But, I wouldn't even turn around.
My heart had left town.

In my slumber I cooled and hardened.
That which was once moist soil turned to baked rock.
Bitter roots poisoned my soil while I thought I stood strong.
How? Why? They don’t even matter.
For I know the One who forgives to the utmost

Father, You are holy above holy above holy.
“Holy, Holy, Holy…” I hear the angels cry.
They know what we are up against.
We need what the angels enjoy: grace and joy!

So Holy Father to You I pray.
Forgive our trespasses and help us forgive those trespassing against us.
May my trespasses, my willful acts of disobedience be set aside.
Give us strength to walk in the light You provide.
Let us, let me stand only in Christ’ strength, His is resurrection power.

Father, You are our help.
Father, You are merciful beyond mercy!
Father, make us strong knowing we are forgiven in Jesus name! Amen.


This is Rusty. My favorite mutt ever. Why's he my favorite? He favors me. He follows me wherever I go. I picture God like this, He is with us wherever we go and He favors us. With Rusty I see God's mercy every day!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

When Work's Not Enough

Deemed deficient, my works were never enough to please Thee.
Deemed defiant, my works were never enough to sway Thee.
Insufficient and incomplete, that’s what I would make of me.

I had tugged and pulled to no avail.
I’d better trust Your work Jesus, not mine.
I guess I’d better believe Your Word Jesus, not mine.

MY thoughts are deceptive, Your thoughts are kind.
My feelings are disruptive, Your Word outlast time.
My truth fails: You are Truth!

Weary yet welcomed.
Humbled, I’m home.
Helpless nonetheless helped.
                            You took the stranger home.

I’m lost in my thought this night.
Heaven is not far from sight.
For more years may be still right here                        
                           So in You I’ll be of good cheer!

Insomnia Escape

Any words to escape insomnia, I think not.
We can not sleep?
Sad little baby, wanna cry?
Some days, yeah, I feel like it! What’s it to ya!
Even those tears will be wiped away boy!

Do you believe it?
Do you know in your heart Heaven’s real?
Do you believe Jesus came died, rose, lives and rose into Heaven?
Do you know He’s coming soon?
Do you still wanna cry?

You know He’s going to wipe those away too!

In my God I’ll boast the most!
In my God one day I will rest.

One day sleepless nights will pass away.
One day night will be no more.
One day in the twinkle of an eye death will pass away and be no more.

So perhaps there’s a reason why I’m awake?
Say what? Your eyes are heavy now?
Still thoughts I pray comes our way.

Lord Jesus who rules over life, please come and give us sleep. Refresh our hearts in Your love. Renew our minds as we process today and look toward tomorrow. Renew the mind with Your words we studied, read, and sang tonight. Sweep away yesterday, wash our feet Lord, we want to be part of You. Forgive our trespasses and plow out our hearts leaving no stone unturned. Make us into those living stones built up on Your corner stone, Guard our dreams, cast away demon oppression, keep the dark ones away. Encamp Your angels ‘round Your people.

Lord build up Your Church, let us look to You for all we do! Do the work Lord no man can do, change us to be like You. Holy Father thanks.  This I pray in Jesus name. Amen

"Meditate as you lie in bed, and repent of your ways! (Selah)
Offer the prescribed sacrifices
and trust in the Lord!
Many say, “Who can show us anything good?”
Smile upon us, Lord!
You make me happier
than those who have abundant grain and wine.
I will lie down and sleep peacefully,
for you, Lord, make me safe and secure."

Psalm 4:4b-8

image attribution: Google image search, insomnia.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


One lesson I’ve learned in life is that praising God changes my mind and I think better. Praising God, for who He, is resets our purpose! In His presence, we gain that fresh intimacy with God. That's what's  necessary to thrive and survive. This is the Living Water. 


Father, thank You!
Your mercies are new every morning!
Yes, Your mercy endures forever!
Great is Your work displayed for all to see!
The stars sing of Your glory night by night
Your sun rises day after day and out sings the stars!
They whisper and yell of Your glory and never say a word.

In the beginning… You spoke!
Yahweh Elohim!

Your Word came!
Now is the time of Your greatest mercy.
You have offered us Your Son.
You offered us life, abundant life!
May we live responding to Your love!

My mind wrestles and stresses.
You give me the mind of Christ.
My body is broken, I give it to You.
You Jesus are in Your heavenly body!
Yeshua, Your body You gave to be broken.

You healed Your broken body!
You offered Your own blood, and healed!
Glorified now, You sit at the right hand of the Father.
Holy is the Lamb who crushed the head of the enemy!

Father we thank you for forgiving our trespasses.
Help us to forgive other their trespasses!
Thank You for Jesus!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Are you bothered?

It bothers me.
Yep, I’m bothered.
I bother me.

Do you bother you?
Yes, you bother me too, just not as much as you know who.
Do we bother each other?

My selfish actions center on self.
Your selfish actions center on you.
Are we bothered?

In a perfect world, we would not bother each other.
In a perfect world, would we be alone?
In a perfect world, we would not need Jesus.

The perfect world failed, that bothers me.
We didn't bother to listen to one little command.
So, why did Jesus bother?

Why did Jesus die for bothersome you and bothersome me?
I wouldn't bother; still, He did.
Perhaps I should love bothersome you and bothersome me?

Please! Continue to bother me; really, it’s no bother.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Religions’ Reaction

Do not touch.
Do not taste.
Do not handle, if you do there’ll be quite the scandal.

Take off another’s sandal? Not me! I don’t want the scandal.
The scoundrel shook his fist at me! I don’t want the scandal.
I bowed, I beg, I bless? No not me, I don’t want the scandal.

“Unclean! You are unclean!” They yell this out to me.
I turn.
I rise.
I smile, yes!
Yes that is true, yet you are clean to me!

Broken by leprosy, death slowly crept in.
Bound and broken?
Am I halfhearted or full of tokens?
Yes. I was unclean.

Do not touch.
Do not taste.
Do not handle, if you do there’ll be quite the scandal.

Dare one go beyond a bitter bite?
Dare one?
Would one touch, just one?

“Unclean! I am unclean!” I yell out.
I rise.
I turn.
You smile and say, “Child, you are clean to me!”

Taste and
Handle, for there is one who changed my scandal.