
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Sleep escapes me and words roll through my mind.

I read of a lost world tonight (Genesis 7). The deluge of old came flooding in and judgment hit the ancient world. It was Noah’s flood.  Sure they were warned, and sure Noah proclaimed coming judgment while building an escape vehicle. But, only his family listened.

I imagine Noah felt strange building the first ocean liner on dry ground. I imagine his family wondered if he had lost all sensibility. I imagine after decades of this, scoffers and ridicule were quite the norm. But, imagine when clouds formed and rain started dropping for the first time.  I wonder what everyone was thinking then.

Type in “flood myth” on an internet search and you will find just about every culture has one. Myth, in college didn’t mean it wasn’t real, it just meant it was a legend. It turns out this one was real. It’s endorsed by Jesus. But, the sad thing is, just as it was in the day of Noah, so it will be today. Everyone will be working, marrying, and going about business and calamity will come again. Just like before, there is an escape vehicle, an ark if you will. That is Jesus himself.

Jesus took on the judgment of God on Himself. He bore humanities judgment, yet, just like before (in Noah's time) most scoff. They say where is His coming? They hear about all the date setters and the failed attempts to predict the unpredictable and just laugh.  However, Jesus’ soon return has been eminent from the inception of the world. It was planned in the mind of the Father. Just as Christ was slain before the foundation of the earth, in the mind of the Father, so the end was know too. Jesus is the beginning and end. He is the alpha and omega.

Of course, I’m rambling now. But, I’m thankful to know such a person as Jesus. He is the Theanthopos (God and man). Only He lived life to the fullest, doing so in perfection to the Fathers standards. Only He was the unblemished lamb, which suffered a criminal’s death on a cross of crucifixion (predicted before it existed). Only He rose again to life, by His own accord and was witnessed by over 500 people. Only He left on clouds and will return someday soon.

Yeah He's coming, and it’s been a while; but we’re one day closer than yesterday. Maybe I’ll sleep now. Maybe, you won’t. Maybe sin’s keeping you awake? Maybe something is gnawing at your soul. It does at mine at sometimes. But know this: Jesus is the forgiver of sin.

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